International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond
September 6-10, 2015, Moscow, Russia
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Parallel Session S7-6
07 September 2015, 16:30-18.40, Room N 214Chair:
Valery Kovalev
Simulation of catalytic properties of thermal barrier coatings for space vehicles in dissociated air
Sergei Balakirev
Computer simulation of GaAs/GaAs(001) epitaxial growth considering V/III flux ratio
Sergey Lepeshkin
Structure and electronic spectra of silicon nanoclusters passivated by hydrogen and oxygen: evolutionary algorithm and first-principles study
Anatoly Antipov
Numerical studies of fundamental principles of ion transport in electrochemical systems based on autocatalytic redox-mediator mechanism
Andrey Prokhorov
The use of fuzzy modelling for predicting the values of the classic potential barrier of the reaction phenyl radical with hydrocarbons